The winner of the bamboo rod contest at the Dahlonega Gold Rush Days is Susan C. from Atlanta. There were 120 entries and only 24 correct answers to the three questions based on the pictures on the contest board.
1) Local river Shoals (Hint: another name for Satan) --
Devils Shoals on the Chattahochee River
2) Famous Bridge on the Madison River -- (Hint: $) --
Three Dollar Bridge
3) Bass Fly Featured in Booth -- (Hint: Picture of Stealth Bomber)---
Stealth Bomber
We tried to make the contest fun and thanks all that particpated.
Next time on the river look for Susan and her new Purdy Bamboo Rod. It is a special rod made from bamboo harvested from the Chattahoochee River. The bamboo rod is a 7' - 1" blonde - 5 wt. perfect for the trout in all of the rivers in Georgia.
The rods and flys that were displayed at the fair will be for sell in the next couple of weeks as I will update the web site with these items. All who purchased items thanks agian and send me pictures of your fishing adventures and I will post for all to enjoy.